The bearded vulture is like the spirit of the mountains. In terms of behavior and eating habits, it is completely different from other birds of prey. It is surrounded by many myths and legends, and partly due to misconceptions, it… Continue Reading →
The griffon vulture is a beautiful giant that once inhabited all the mountainous regions of Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Carpathians. In English, its correct name is Eurasian griffon vulture, in latin Gyps fulvus. There are 23 species… Continue Reading →
Kuressaare castle is built in the early 14-th century. It is one of the kind castles in whole Baltics and for sure interesting to visit in every time of the year.
Isn’t it so, that such photos very often bring us all warm memories of summer to our mind. We even can smell the smells of summer.
It is biggest waterfall in Estonia 8 meters high and 50 meters wide. During the night it is really magical place to be and enjoy the silence.
This castle was built in the 14-th cebtury and destroyed on the 17-th – 18-th century. It is really beautiful place in the middle of big fields which really help to travel in time and imagine the old times.
Tallinn Christmas market is voted as one of the most beautiful in the Europe. Here is the view I took in sunset.
Because of the virus there was no flights during some weeks, so it was possible to get licence to fly in such places with drone, where it has never been possible.
In Estonia in forest around the country lives more than 700 brown bears. 30 of them lives in one area, where it is big chance to get good photo.
Yesterday we were just swimming in the ice-cold water, ice cold wind teasing us, with it’s soft breath. Waking up in the morning it was all gone. Gone as it has been just a dream and nothing left. There was… Continue Reading →
It was frosty morning sunrise and windmill was just looking the Moon and enjoying the moment, when Sun started to rise and put it’s golden touch to the shoulder of windmill.
Valaste is highest waterfall in Estonia with 30 meters. When cold winter wind blows hard and it is cold, then the steam of the water will cover all trees above the river and it’s looks like frozen kingdom. This photo… Continue Reading →
There was two friends just laying on the ground, having interesting chats and dreaming of the summer.
This is holy place near Tallinn, where are green- blue springs which pump up the water. Even in cold winter it is not getting very easy frozen. As much today it was sun shining, everywhere was totally white and there… Continue Reading →
When sun started silently to set down, it painted the sky as a waving of beautiful day to red. Two observers who had waited sun so long just could not leave and they had a dream about new day hopefully… Continue Reading →
It was cold winter morning, it was snowing and windy and there they were like small yellow sparks jumping around. Then the clouds spreaded a little and there was some color behind the birds and so I took the photo.19.01.19.
Do you remember the green trolls from the animation Frozen. I just was also in their reunion in one night, what looked like a fairy tale.
In every evening when the night gets dark and the stars will light one by one in the sky he is there. He aims head to the sky and enjoys silently the show. As there is not so much nights… Continue Reading →
To be perfect, there must be ice and water, white snow with sunrise colors. Then it is as close to the perfect as can be.
When it got darker then the old Oak tree always started to count the stars. He had a dream to count all the stars in the sky. He always started with a lot of energy, but after some time of… Continue Reading →
There is such moments in the nature, that you will take the photo and after opening it in the computer, ther eis possibility to smell the cold. Cold has the best smell of the winter
Follow the stars and you will see wonderful placies and meet interesting creatures.Photo taken in Keila waterfall.
Sun was sneaking out from the fog really silently trying to see the magic floating on water and listen the leaving voices of night. It could move itself out so quietly, that there was even no ripple on the water…. Continue Reading →
First it was green and black. Then came the white shades and the green started to sparkle. It felt like the sparkles jumped up and lighted up the sky, what first started to shine a little orange and then lighted… Continue Reading →
Curly stone admiring the winter sunrise. There is was siting silently and enjoying the colors. It was a little freezing, but he just needed to be there.
Here is the sunrise colors, water, ice and different color stones. It is all together like fireworks of December
Siorrow is always smaller and the joy is always bigger, if you can share it with someone. There is three friends on the frozen lake who came to enjoy the sunset, to experience something so beautiful together.
I love this single oak in the field. It is really majestic. The photo is taken because of the clouds, what where this night really dramatic and the full moon even made it more beautiful.
In the winter time there are moments on the sea, that everything feels frozen – the colors, water and even the wind. It is like frozen kingdom.
Taking a walk in one of the Estonian national parks I went deeper to the forest to take a photo of a beautiful valley and there it was – a green dragon coming silently to the water making it’s morning… Continue Reading →
Fairies were still flying around in the fog when the sharp fingers of sunrays started to tear off the fog curtain to see also, what is happening on the sea.
There are high trees and wide trees, shiny green trees and beautiful colorful trees but there is just one and only King of the trees.
If you want to feel how it looks like when the time stops, then you need to go in a really foggy morning to the sea when it is still dark, sit down and wait silently untl the first sun… Continue Reading →
Caught by Nature. Photo is again infrared photo, what I took near Tallinn in Harku.
Sometimes you walk on the filed, then you stop and look around and it seems that you have walked into the TV program, as everything around you looks so familiar.
Every morning father tree took is little boy and they took a long walk to the field, to have some chat and enjoy the time together. They walked to the open place, little boy sat in the front of the… Continue Reading →
When you will take a trip to fog, you need to leave red thread behind you to get back after.
There are dark magic evenings, when you siting quietly on the sea shore, looking angry clouds flying over your head aiming their drilling eyes on you and in some moments you might see how really old wooden dragon is crawling… Continue Reading →
Foggy mornings are magic, as they do not paint just trees and bushes to new color, but they also lay down on the river and make it shine when it passes the drop down from the rocky step This photo… Continue Reading →
When you go to the edge of the world, then you can hang your legs over the edge and look how the clouds are sailing around you . Picture is taken in bog in beginning of september 2018.
Sometimes it is so, that you walk, think your own thoghts and then something just wakes you up to look around and it seems like you got possibility to peek into romantic film, what was just running in other dimension.
Even there was last call to go to sleep, they just wanted so much to see the last light of the sun pushing through the fog, what was rising full. They wanted to see the reflections from the clouds smiling… Continue Reading →
When I arrived to the beach, it was totally empty. There was just lonely stone sitting in the waves enjoying the magical party of colors. I did not want to disturb. So I did quickly my shot and left quietly.
Running water whispers poem, colors paint a painting and lightly blowing wind sews them together to beautiful fairy tale.
This photo is like a life. Someone sees in this picture colors, another dark shades; someone sees sunshine, another just rain; someone arrival of better weather, another continuing rain. And then there are persons who are colorful and stay and… Continue Reading →
“One moment there must appear the lights of the ship, must hear the distant voices of joy and laughter. There is just need to concentrate well and not loose a second of attention, as they must come out of the… Continue Reading →
This church in photo is built on 13-th century. I like so much the buildings with all the spirit of these ages with surroundings combined with sunset. When you look on such scene it is possible to feel how the… Continue Reading →
Lago di Fusine is beautiful place in Italy near to the border of Austria and Slovenia. In Autumn when the leaves start to have some color it lookes like fairy tale as the lakes have green water inside. Do you… Continue Reading →
In some evenings there is difficult to find place in the beach to admire sunset as there is so many stones and clouds already gathered together to enjoy the sunset. You really need to fight the place to yourself to… Continue Reading →
This picture is taken in Italy in Marano Laguna. This place is so great having so many birds of different species. Photo is taken 09.09.18.
It was so silent, that we could hear the fog moving around you making silent sizzling voice. When you did not move you felt, how the it was moving slowly over you making short stops like drying to smell and… Continue Reading →
I continue make also IR photos, as much as they are interesting for me. This photo is taken with 1 minute long exposure to get the feeling of flowing time. When you concentrate to the movements of the clouds and… Continue Reading →
Sometimes it is getting dark and you see just storm around you and everything is colored dark. Then you just have to concentrate to the beauty of the dark colors and you will see the sun light coming after the… Continue Reading →
There are evenings like fairy tales, when you sit down looking deep in the water and see how the mermaids are swimming under the surface. If you are quiet, then you even hear their sing. You just feel how the… Continue Reading →
It was really exceptionally warm summer evening and as winds has mixed the water in see, the water was exceptionally cold and so the sea was steaming and setting sun was coloring it beautiful.
When the cupboard was moved to gate to Narnia came open. You nearly could feel how it sucks you int the fairy tale and you clearly heard the voices of all the mystery creatures. Foto is taken in Finland near… Continue Reading →
Infrared photography is interesting in the way, that human eye does not see IR. So the world in IR photos looks a bit different than human eye has used to see. Here is picture of Talinn Kadriorg
It was too late and time for running and splashing was ended. So father gathered children running around and it was time to go home crossing the highway of the sun
When sky meets the land water needs to fight for it’s place and in some moment there is just possibility to retreat.
When the sun sets over the field and colors everything yellow-brown, then you feel the warmth of setting sun trough the picture and gives so much of positive energy.
There are magical moments, when the world stops. Beautiful colors have been doing their best to build up the atmosphere, all sounds around you have stopped, you just hear how the mist is rising from the small lakes in the… Continue Reading →
All these pictures are taken in the nature of wild living eagles. I went to the small shelter room for bird watching for 11 hours and was really lucky to see so many eagles over there. I wake up at… Continue Reading →
When after the thunderstorm , you can see in spots fresh blue sky and sun starting to send yellow – orange tone, then comes the moment, when alga laying in the beach getting gold and chunks remember us, that the… Continue Reading →
You can read more about these clouds in Wikipedia
There was two heavy stones placed on the beach to hold it stable. Otherwise the seting sun would suck with it’s beauty everything down as the light and music of colours hypnotised the sea and the rest of the beach…. Continue Reading →
Old piece of tree washed ashore joined the old stone to enjoy sunsets what the stone have been experiencing already for long. So they were laying quietly listening how the sun is going to the water making music of colors… Continue Reading →
Sun is making it’s last peek over the mountains who are already sleeping in mist. When you look this picture it is so easy to take a parallel of reading the fairy tale to the baby. Sun is like the… Continue Reading →
Everything is silent. You hear just the voice of the energy flowing between old mossy stones and you feel all this power, what the old sorraundings bring with them and the energy water is pushing inside. In the same moment… Continue Reading →
Standing in the river looking all this water flowing down the slope you just feel how all this energy what is coming down is building inside you and it makes you feel so great.
Every sunset has his own story, what he want’s to tell to us. Sometimes it’stired, sometimes it’s joyful, sometimes just singing quietly.
This year April has been so full of contrasts. It has been -15 and in a few days abou +20. One day snowing 30 cm and next sun shining warm. This picture characterises the feeleing well. It was 22 degrees… Continue Reading →
There are placies where fairytales born. You just need to walk with open eyes and you can find such placies. Some of them are painted, like in this picture.
We have place in Estonia called Soomaa. It is an area surrounded with bogs and every spring when snow is melting the waters will cover big areas (fields and forest) with water in the way, that you can go with… Continue Reading →
As winter was long and cold there formed quite a lot of ice in the sea. In the spring this ice starts to move and storms are building high hills of it.
-5 degrees cold spring evening , wind blowing from north about 12 m/ sek with a will to take airs away and just so beautiful sunset, what warms all up. Enjoy 🙂
Picture is taken near Paldiski. There is a coast with height more than 20 meters. As it is most open place to the sea in Estonia, there is a lot of wind. As wind and cold are the friends who… Continue Reading →
Picture is taken from side Rocca al Mare with direction to Tallinn center. You can see chruches and high buildings of Tallinn in the front of flames of sunrise.
” I stopped for a moment and could still listen in the air weak voices reminding what just happened. Just a moment ago here were the fairies flying quietly, disappearing into the thick mist, leaving sparkling dust that faded slightly… Continue Reading →
I was driving by the road and sun was just seting down. Its rays were allready deeper yellow and it was so nicely touching the trees. Looking this picture it seems, like sun is reading the fairy tale to the… Continue Reading →
No words needed to the picture. When there is really bad weather in the spring, in summer and in autumn, then it looks like this and this is called HUNGER.
Winter likes to paint mostly with white colors, but to make more enjoyable feelings to the people winter sometimes also uses different shades of brown or yellow. It also leaves some spots of water clear that trees pending over the… Continue Reading →
When in Estonia there is cold winter, then we will have 7 officials ice roads over the sea to the islands. Sea will be covered by ice and it is so thick, that you can drive with car. Longest of… Continue Reading →
We all have heard the saying, that there is light in the end of tunnel. When I walked by the street, I saw this tunnel it was obvious, that this is THE tunnel with the light in the end, where… Continue Reading →
This picture is made on 23-th of June in midsummer day at 24:00 in middle of night in North Finland. There is two months of light, when sun does not set at all. 23 to 24 of June is the… Continue Reading →
All this beauty in the picture is not touchable. The water is boiling and is not touchable. The art of colors is made by different minerals connected to volcanic land. Picture is taken in New Zealand. When you travel to… Continue Reading →
Mostly we see such pictures taken in some paradise beaches near warm ocean. This picture is taken in Hiiumaa (second biggest island in Estonia). No palms, no ocean, not even so warm, but can also be as beautiful 🙂
This picture I took because colors,as the sea in Venice has so nice color in contrast of blue sky still having nice white clouds, old houses with red roof.
This picture is taken early spring in Tallinn. During the daytime the sun is shining warm already and making sea warm up. On the same time the evening and night can be really cold. In this situation warmer sea water… Continue Reading →
This is the kind of picture I really enjoy the feeling of contrasts. Old rusty metal fence laying in a old concrete base. Old walkway where you can see how time has been taking pieces of that. You can see… Continue Reading →
Mostly the winter comes with cold and snow. If the cold starts without snow, then the world will froze and look like someone has stopped the time. You can walk on the ice look through all water waving under you… Continue Reading →
This picture is taken in edge of the world – the northernmost point of Europe in Nordkapp. The ones who have seen different movies about sailors going to the end of the world, there are so similar frames. Look the… Continue Reading →
Even this picture is nothing special as many tourists have visited Spanish Riding School in Vienna, I put it here. It is again the kind of picture, what has story to tell about the past. Look this picture longer… Continue Reading →
This picture is taken in July. It was warm evening, really quiet and you could nearly hear, how the sun went down to the water making quiet fizzle. In such evening it is so good just to lay down in… Continue Reading →
New Zealand is a volcanic island. That means, that there is a lot of volcanoes and also remains of earlier volcanic eruptions. Mostly when we think about the volcano it seems to us brown and black rocks. Anyhow the chemistry… Continue Reading →
When you go on summer time to the Alps, then you see these giants totally different. They are blooming of energy and the best place where to go is the lake between the mountains. Usually these lakes are really warm… Continue Reading →
This picture is taken in the western point of Estonian biggest island Saaremaa during the spring. Weather is getting already warmer and wind starts to carry the ice to the land. In my mind the games of the ice in… Continue Reading →
This is road from northern Finland. I like ta balance. As the trees are already because the colder weather smaller, the road comes better out and so it looks like from some cartoon. Up and down – up and down… Continue Reading →
Do you know that 22,3 % of the area of Estonia are the swamps. We have 9836 swamps in Estonia. I like the feeling in the picture made by different brown shades and dead trees standing in the middle of… Continue Reading →
This is Bridal Veil Falls near surfing paradise Raglan in New Zealand. When you look this waterfall with all surroundings it looks also like paradise. New Zealand is also paradise for the photographers. It is said, that in this place… Continue Reading →
Bled is a beautiful lake in Slovenia having a church in the middle of lake on the island and a castle in the bank of lake. Sounds like a fairy tale. It is a kind of place, where you easily… Continue Reading →
When I came to this point in Basel (Switzerland) it felt to me as black and white photo. When you look this photo, it is really difficult to realize is this photo taken in 50-s, 60-s or 80-s. It is… Continue Reading →
I was walking with my family in the middle of Tallinn in higher hill, what is covered with sand. There was squirrel who after seeing us made a quick run to the nearest tree. I followed him with camera standing… Continue Reading →
In a cold winter evening I went to take a photo of the supermoon. I wanted to have a picture in the situation, that beside the supermoon there is a tree or building, what shows the Moon much bigger than… Continue Reading →
Picture is taken in the border of North Norway and Finland. To be alone, you can travel to the deepest jungle and you cannot meet anyone for the days. Th same kind of wild spot exists also in the north,… Continue Reading →
Mirror mirror on the wall. Picture is taken in the Northern Finland 03:00 at night in the middle of summer when sun never sets down. The polar day starts there in 16-th of May and ends in 27-th of July…. Continue Reading →
I like to take photos, where the contrast plays a role. This picture is taken in Ukraine. There is old brick house, where most of the plaster has fallen down. It looks like really old man sitting in the chair… Continue Reading →
Travelling in different parts of the world there is always something what is different and something what is similar. In my eye nature in totally north looks really unique. This picture is taken in middle of the summer near the… Continue Reading →
Click the picture as big as it gets. Just look deeper to the picture and imagine the feeling. For sure it brings positive feeling and emotions.
I like the feeling of this picture. It is looking like desert having just windmills until the horizon. Even the trees peeking out look like oasis. When you look this picture it looks like emtyness. It looks a bit like… Continue Reading →
Often we see red colour when sun sets or rises. It is more rare, that sun turns red even some hours before the sunset. In this picture it was like this. Mostly red colour is because of the Earth athmosphere,… Continue Reading →
Brown tree was having a long swim so he desperatly needed a rest. Just after a moment he saw a green friend giving possibility for that. So he put arms around the friend and took a moment …. what lasts… Continue Reading →
This picture is taken in the end of April in Oberdorla (Germany). There was nearly half km long trail between the fields and all the way apple trees were blooming. When you just concerntrate for a minute to this picture… Continue Reading →
When I visit different placies in the world I like to watch houses and surroundings not as whole picture but as a set of details. Very often if you concentrate to smalled details of different houses, they have so beautiful… Continue Reading →
I live in the place, where just behind my garden starts the forest. Moment caught to the picture was taken in the cold winter morning, when sun was just rising above the horizon . Sky was totally covered with clouds…. Continue Reading →
It was kind of magical to see old tree taken down. It had been so old, that the inner part was already missing. Looking this part of the old tree in the park it was quite a symbolic to see… Continue Reading →
In the end of December it is shortest day, when sun is rising just a little above the horizon. As because the winter the air is cold and can me a little frozen-foggy, it gives to sun rays more golden… Continue Reading →
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