This castle was built in the 14-th cebtury and destroyed on the 17-th – 18-th century. It is really beautiful place in the middle of big fields which really help to travel in time and imagine the old times.
Tallinn Christmas market is voted as one of the most beautiful in the Europe. Here is the view I took in sunset.
Because of the virus there was no flights during some weeks, so it was possible to get licence to fly in such places with drone, where it has never been possible.
This church in photo is built on 13-th century. I like so much the buildings with all the spirit of these ages with surroundings combined with sunset. When you look on such scene it is possible to feel how the… Continue Reading →
I continue make also IR photos, as much as they are interesting for me. This photo is taken with 1 minute long exposure to get the feeling of flowing time. When you concentrate to the movements of the clouds and… Continue Reading →
When the cupboard was moved to gate to Narnia came open. You nearly could feel how it sucks you int the fairy tale and you clearly heard the voices of all the mystery creatures. Foto is taken in Finland near… Continue Reading →
Infrared photography is interesting in the way, that human eye does not see IR. So the world in IR photos looks a bit different than human eye has used to see. Here is picture of Talinn Kadriorg
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